About Me

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My name is Isabella grace i am Six years old and i have a rare chromosone disorder, it doesnt have a name so not much is known about it.I have two holes in my heart , epilepsy which i struggle with especially in the winter. I am also registered blind and am unable to feed so i am fed by a machine. Despite all this i am a very happy little girl and have started smiling and giggling although people are still trying to figure out what makes me laugh. I am very delayed but i can hold my head now and roll onto my side in the last couple of weeks i have started sitting for over an hour on my own which is amazing although mummy still finds it hard as i normally have to be carried every were and i am getting very heavy but i like being carried as its extra cuddles.xx My family are amazing are are all working hard at the minute to raise £30,000 so that i can go to America for intensive and specialist physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. The hope is that one day i will take my first step or eat my first chocolate button. DONATIONS CAN BE MADE USING THE PAYPAL BUTTON OR BY SENDING IT TO DC 3017 CHRISTINE BENNETT CAIT BRENTWOOD POLICE STATION or e mail us for further info

Friday 5 October 2012

I hate computers !!!!!

Sorry it's been do long but as you will have guessed, our laptop has broke. It's amazing how much you depend on it. Will put a proper update on soon as writing this on my phone and its not the easiest thing to do.
Brownstock was awesome anyone who hasn't been to this local festival should Definately check it out great for the family and even had a disabled toilet. They raised over six hundred pounds for Isabella which was great.
Some time has passed since the walk and I am now in the middle of planning the next challenge, tony (Isabella's step dad) and are good friend nick will be rowing the Thames at Easter this is a huge challenge considering neither have been in a kayak yet. I guess there is no point doing a challenge if its not difficult. We are nearly
a third if the way to our target which is great but so far to go it all seems a bit daunting but failure is not an option for my family and I. So huge thanks to everyone that has helped us get to this point xxxx