About Me

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My name is Isabella grace i am Six years old and i have a rare chromosone disorder, it doesnt have a name so not much is known about it.I have two holes in my heart , epilepsy which i struggle with especially in the winter. I am also registered blind and am unable to feed so i am fed by a machine. Despite all this i am a very happy little girl and have started smiling and giggling although people are still trying to figure out what makes me laugh. I am very delayed but i can hold my head now and roll onto my side in the last couple of weeks i have started sitting for over an hour on my own which is amazing although mummy still finds it hard as i normally have to be carried every were and i am getting very heavy but i like being carried as its extra cuddles.xx My family are amazing are are all working hard at the minute to raise £30,000 so that i can go to America for intensive and specialist physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. The hope is that one day i will take my first step or eat my first chocolate button. DONATIONS CAN BE MADE USING THE PAYPAL BUTTON OR BY SENDING IT TO DC 3017 CHRISTINE BENNETT CAIT BRENTWOOD POLICE STATION or e mail us for further info

Monday 2 July 2012

My amazing family

Hi well i am so excited to announce karen and suzy got back to essex in great spirits, even if they did wander into the fun day before i had chance to get everyone round to cheer them through our hand made finish line. Oh well the best plans, think they were just so excited to see their families after two long weeks that they forgot to give me my five minute warning of their arrival. lol. They had fun especially on the bouncy castles and slide. ( think the fluffy slippers they wore all day eased the blisters so they could enjoy themselves)

Everything seemed to be on our side for the fun day, when i turned up there that morning i could have cried there was torrential rain which meant i was unable to start getting set up, this combined with the fact my back is still painful from my car injury meant i had quite a tearful morning. thankfully some one was looking out for me and as quickly as the rain came down it stopped and the day was transformed by brilliant sunshine. Shortly followed by the army of family and friends who came to help get set up. I think its fair to say that the situation didnt bring out the best in my personality lol.

I think in hindsight i had put myself under so much pressure to make the day perfect for my sisters and family that i was probably never going to live up to my own expectations and the delay in setting up most definately did not help.  How do you thank people that do something as amazing as my sisters did for my daughter. I am sitting here now and still cant believe what my sisters did for isabella, its simply amazing. Sometimes i wish i could slow time down and go back to the fun day and really take it all in, I was so humbled by what they did but also the effort my family and friends put in to make it possible.It was great to see so many familiar faces and a few blasts from the past just wish i had been able to speak to everyone and let them know how grateful i was for their support.

Its amazing how things pull together and amazing the kindness of strangers, i met so many lovely people at the fun day who came to offer their support as well as the wonderful stall holders who came with their businesses and supported me throughout the day. I have recieved such kind words of support from members of our community, its extremely humbling and makes you realise that there are some amazing people out there.

I am a great believer in that everything happens for a reason. I feel honoured and privelaged to have the family i have and most importantly my daughter. I know i have said this numerous times but my daughter has taught me how to be a better person, she has taught me empathy and most importantly what is important in life and how we should look at how rich we are in life, not be material possesions but the real treasures. If we look at our life in this way i am most definately a millionaire. We can all get through life when everything is going to plan but what makes you realise some ones worth is how they react and adapt when life is stressful and sacrifices need to be made, which leads me on to my amazing fiance tony. We got together when isabella was just over 18months old and he has been by my side ever since supporting me through every hospital visit and illness, sitting up all night with me whilst we watch isabella. he is just great , i am very lucky and cant wait to become his wife in January.

Tony and our good friend nick are currently in training to row the thames next year in a bid to raise money for isabella. We havent counted all the money from the fun day yet but it is looking like we have initially raised approximately £1000. i will post some pics and a definate final total tomorrow as i need to grab some more money bags to finish counting.

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