About Me

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My name is Isabella grace i am Six years old and i have a rare chromosone disorder, it doesnt have a name so not much is known about it.I have two holes in my heart , epilepsy which i struggle with especially in the winter. I am also registered blind and am unable to feed so i am fed by a machine. Despite all this i am a very happy little girl and have started smiling and giggling although people are still trying to figure out what makes me laugh. I am very delayed but i can hold my head now and roll onto my side in the last couple of weeks i have started sitting for over an hour on my own which is amazing although mummy still finds it hard as i normally have to be carried every were and i am getting very heavy but i like being carried as its extra cuddles.xx My family are amazing are are all working hard at the minute to raise £30,000 so that i can go to America for intensive and specialist physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. The hope is that one day i will take my first step or eat my first chocolate button. DONATIONS CAN BE MADE USING THE PAYPAL BUTTON OR BY SENDING IT TO DC 3017 CHRISTINE BENNETT CAIT BRENTWOOD POLICE STATION or e mail us for further info

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Hi everyone cant believe how quickly time is going . To think this time next month karen and suzy will have hopefully completed day one of their walk. they will be feeling the pain and we will be keeping our fingers crossed that they have no blisters at this early stage.

Sorry not updated much lately but htings have been so busy and hectic with trying to get the fundraising going, thankfully the fun day seems to be going full steam ahead now with the bouncy castles and soft play all sorted and finalised we will be having a bouncy castle for disabled or very young children so all can be involved in the day. I know how frustrating it can be one your little one cant go on the bouncy castle because of the bigger ones having so much fun this is why we are going to have more than one so everyone can have loads of fun. Just got a few smaller stalls and attractions to sort out now, children are getting involved in the sponsored toddle which is great and the first lot of sponsor forms have been sent out which is great. Think it would be great if the little or big ones came in fancy dress, am sure i can find a prize for the best outfit. Just need top sort isabellas outfit out now. we can go either bumble bee or cinderella.

As well as all this i am busy sorting out getting our house adapted for isabella, the plan is that the garage will be converted into a bedroom and bathroom for isabella with hoists installed which will help getting her in and out of the bath. Have to be honest my back is starting to suffer with leaning over the bath to get her in and out lol. I have had two builders rounds and the quotes are in so i am busy completing the application form to the council for funding for the adaption although i have already been told that they will not fund the whole job so just have to wait to find out exactly how much money we need to find to complete the job. Unfortunately the way the grant works is that you have to complete work within twelve months from when its approved. I am sure it will be fine and just keeping my fingers crossed that the amount of money we need to find isnt too high.

Hope your all doing great and thankyou for taking such an interest in my amazingly inspirational daughter. Just got to keep everything crossed now that we manage to raise enough to get her back out to america, she is trying  so hard and definately has the motivation now. The world is her oyster and there is so much possibility for her, its amazing how although she doesnt speak how she teaches so many people whats important in life

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